
2023-06-21 03:20:04 208阅读




《穿越火线》游戏是由韩国Smile Gate开发,由深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司代理运营的一款第一人称射击游戏。


游戏讲述了全球两大佣兵集团Global Risk和Black List间的对决。游戏中有团队模式、战队赛、爆破模式、幽灵模式等多种模式。引进了“缺人补充”形式的即时加入系统。


玩家默认有三个背包,也可以用背包道具进行扩容,每个背包可 以装备1把主武器、副武器、近身武器,默认可以装备一个投掷类武器,付费扩容后可以装备手雷、烟雾弹、闪光弹各1个,玩家可以在个人仓库(玩家的仓库将最多容纳1000个游戏道具)选择自己喜欢的装备捆绑成一个背包,每次开始新回合或复活时都可以通过更换背包来换取合适的整套装备的系统。在新回合开始时可以按“B”键切换背包,选择不同的背包,如击杀敌人后,该敌人掉落了武器,可以按“G”键扔弃现有的武器进行更换。





在你游玩网易我的世界的时候,请务必阅读以下真实Minecraft现状中国Minecraft(我的世界)玩家 请将网页下拉至中文,国外网站加载可能偏慢,请耐心等待文末拥有对应的图片、截图,有图有真相,不服来辩

Written in front: All of the following words come from Chinese translation may be wrong, please understand, thank you. Hello, MOJANG team, of the current situation, you have the responsibility to manage, please read carefully, thank youI am glad to write this letter to you and feel lucky that you can see it.I come from China, a loyal regular player. I have some suggestions for you about Minecraft.I can also remember the fun I had from Minecraft. I've been attracted to this game from the first cube, the first craft item, the first online game. Openness, freedom, and creativity of Minecraft are unprecedented, this is why it will be the most fun game in the world. In China's game market, some companies set up many fee-paying projects, what’s more, this projects are expensive. Minecraft just like a clear spring in the China's game market, it has no extra charge. It has an offline and official online, this is not limited to the players' economic conditions.Last year represented the game, called Chinese Edition, but this was not any Minecraft player wants. This game to be Chinese, add a variety of charge, it means stripping away the essence of the game. On August 8, 2017, Minecraft Edition was officially open, but the response was unsatisfactory. In the BBS of , about 90 percent of negative comments came in. The author of the Forge, denounced 's behavior of Ignoring the copyright. game department never respected any developer. More importantly, the free MOD on the network is added to the China Edition box to collect fees (). Not even the author's information. There were tens of thousands of players to against . From how I used to make a skin/MOD/resourcepacks bag to how I can buy a skin/MOD/resourcepacks, it was very ridiculous. The server of Minecraft, limited each player break to 20 block, if you want more, then you buy VIP. Is this allowed by EULA? A large number of Chinese players use Hack to fight against Just as far as I know, there are no fewer than 40 QQ groups (40group*2000=80000 chinese players) while is powerless. The new player will be completely distorted by the Minecraft Edition, so that new players can not recognize the real Minecraft .In the NetEase shelves MinecraftEdition for mobile devices is less than half a month, the NetEase already can not wait to start to change MCPE to Chinese type, such as App Store recharge single full 1500CNY receive a copy of Lego toys, is really ridiculous, why would 45CNY the game, has now started to become 1500CNY now get a gift package? What about the future? 998CNY buying diamonds? 100CNY recharge beacon for the first time? Or draw to get the SSR level (top goods NetEase owned a high consumption of pet game)? Are you kidding me? So we can think about that doesn't understand what a player needs. doesn't know how to make a good game. Not to mention how to represent Minecraft. That will make the game of Minecraft lose original purpose. On behalf of all of you and myself, appeal against the dealership of of Minecraft. so Minecraft will be destroyed in the hands of .:Netease 网易公司: Chinese legal currency(CNY)

网易让所有正版玩家失望NTES makes all bought minecraft gamers disappointed中国不需要网易代理MinecraftChina never needs the China Edition of Minecraft请给中国一个与世界一样的MinecraftPlease give Chinese players the same Minecraft as the world

Screenshot(very important)Please see Annex

relevant URL information:https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/4185https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5287329841?red_tag=1000476902http://www.bilibili.com/video/av13794097/https://www.zhihu.com/question/62521733/answer/199881822https://www.zhihu.com/question/46545923http://www.mcbbs.net/thread-732039-1-1.htmlhttp://www.mcbbs.net/thread-732563-1-1.html

China NetEase agent edition of MC will damage is China all kinds of present / future developers *NetEase monopolizes China's MC, in addition to NetEase server, this will really make MC become a net game in china, Unable to add MOD, unable to upload its own skin, limited to NetEase commercial server, cannot create server by itself, It can be used in any third party online / offline server, all of this is only for the interests of the NetEase. Is this NetEase's "China MC"? It's ridiculous Rental server is limited, and charging unreasonable, unable to upload plug-ins, not to mention what the brain hole original gameplay plug-in and so on, Completely changed the nature of the game. **



网易代理中国版MC最大损害的是中国所有的各类现在/未来的开发者 网易垄断了中国MC,除了官方运营的服务器,这将真把MC在中国变成一款网游, 无法自主添加MOD、无法上传自己的皮肤、受限于官方商业服务器、无法自主开服上传插件/MOD、 更不能进入任何第三方正版/离线服务器,这一切只有对于网易的利益。 这还是网易所说的原汁原味吗?实在是太可笑了 租赁服受限极多,并且收费不合理,不能上传插件,更别谈什么脑洞原创玩法插件等等, 自主开服将无法引入新玩家,完全改变了这款游戏本质。*

网易垄断国内MC情况下,直接导致的后果就是国际版将没有新玩家,所以国际版在国内死亡 只是时间问题,一些第三方各类服务器更是走投无路最终关服, 网易相当于一个牢笼,将中国玩家抓到里面,玩家没有任何选择权, 所有的一切都要进过网易的"中国式净化",这是一个大公司的作风?这是这是玩家所愿意的? 自从网易代理后,MINECRAFT在中国的玩家 急剧下降,这还是在网易买了众多推广位的情况下!


相信如果你是忠实的MC玩家都会发现,如国服Hypixel 从8月15号的3.3W人掉到现在国庆长假最高峰也不过2.6W 直到现在11月中旬,周末高峰也仅仅2.3W,除Hypixel外网易其他服务器也一直在掉人数, 国内各类开发者的第三方服务器更不用说了,从几千掉到几百再到几十最后关服, 现在国内至少50%的第三方服务器都已经关服或者即将关服, 网易到底是在做什么?这不是摆明了在磨灭这款游戏吗? Minecraft在中国已经不是一款能自主开发创造的游戏,而是官方网游! 直到有一天,你们不再知道组件就是MOD,更以为 各种各样的组件 是 由'开花组'制作的, 更不知道各类资源是可以自行制作的。注意:目前来看,网易似乎不把要点放在精心制作Minecraft中国版上,而是进行玩家引流玩家引流:将Minecraft的玩家转移到自己旗下公司的其他产品上,如网易近期推出的终结者、荒野行动手游等

如果你问:流失的原因不是因为外挂太多吗? 请你知道 流失的是整个MINECRAFT玩家, 包括小游戏、生存、MOD 各种各样,无论网易/第三方也好 其次网易根本没有能力去制止外挂,发布会承诺一句话也没兑现!

最可怕的还是 现在居然有人会问:如果不让网易代理,那给谁代理? 您知道MC在2017年8月8日前的样子吗?您知道国际版页面吗? 您知道MC是可以通过购买正版账号自定义上传皮肤的吗?

对于口碑而言。话不多说,自己下载网易我的世界盒子 随便打开个服务器/资源点评论区 看看所有玩家对于网易的评价是如何的(下方有截图), 网易MC论坛就不用看了,网易会审核,一切说他坏话的全部删掉,并且连删帖提示都没,你都搞不清楚是怎么回事。 为什么这么多人抵制网易?为什么这么多人会在网易使用外挂,而不在国际版服务器?为什么以前从来没听说过抵制国际版MC?就是因为网易已经实现了垄断,已经很难玩到国际版MC,强制将玩家引入中国版,这是我们所愿意的?难道还真的正常玩下去?

你可能会问,为什么把这篇文章放到国外的Github网站,而不是国内呢? 因为网易在国内强大的公关收买力量会将网上对它造成负面影响的东西都给"和谐"了


(网易:龙腾盛世服务器) 关于下届挖方块收费,当时是提示只能挖20个方块,如需挖更多请开通VIP: 你或许又问了:这是第三方服务器,他不代表网易! 这个问题很搞笑,你觉得随随便便就能把服务器入驻网易的吗? 中国几千几万的第三方服务器,为什么只有几个入驻了网易? 因为这是通过了网易的'精心挑选,符合条件'

负面评论,删删删! —— 网易

大家都知道,网易盒子评论100条 其中95条都是负面评论, 而不少评论,你可能隔天来看下,发现 奇迹般的消失了! 网易使用了 名为:'死不要脸,皮厚无比'的法术 在网易盒子目前是没有评论审核的,在他的论坛是无法发表负面内容的,因为你根本不会被通过审核。 即使通过了,网易发现 '唉不对劲';立马删帖,并且连删帖提示都没,直接跳转主页面,来无影去无踪。 不信的话可以自己试试哦 还有更多类似的抵制评论,但绝大部分都被网易删除了

I guarantee the authenticity of all of the aboveYou can go to http://www.bilibili.com/video/av13794097/Check out the following thousands of negative comments from Chinese players to see if NetEase are eligible for agency.The content may be changed, I will send again Sincerely Yours, millions of Minecraft player from china




注:一些人可能会问 绿宝石不是免费的吗?但是 如果本来可以直接下载的MOD,到这里需要你去获得绿宝石才能下载,觉得这个公平吗?更何况绿宝石可以用钻石转换,也就是收费充值

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